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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CMicrophone_PDMClass for using the hardware PDM (pulse-density modulation) audio decoder on RTL872x and nRF52 devices
 CMicrophone_PDM_BaseClass used for settings. You will not instantiate one of these; it's a base class of Microphone_PDM_MCU
 CMicrophone_PDM_BufferSamplingClass to configure buffer sampling mode
 CMicrophone_PDM_MCUMicrophone_PDM_MCU is an alias for the MCU-specific class like Microphone_PDM_nRF52
 CMicrophone_PDM_nRF52MCU-specific implementation of PDM for the nRF52
 CMicrophone_PDM_RTL872xMCU-specific implementation of PDM for the RTL872x